Friday, October 27, 2006

Behold the Word 2

“and the foolish, still clinging to the wickedness
of their false ways, did howl and jeer at Simon
as he came unto them, crying “You are nought
but a chancer and profiteer who seeketh to benefit
from the miseries of others. Get thee hence!” And they
wailed mightily, seeking pennies for Happy
Hour in the seams of their garments as they wept.
Then Simon spoke, sadly, unto them, as
thou might to wayward children or retards and sayeth:
“Look at this most wretched creature” and he gestureth
towards a man slumped at his bench, haggard and
old beforeth his time, with only a tiny black
pouch to contain his few miserable pound coins, “dost thou
think thy father cares not for even such as he?”
and, before the amazed eyes of all the derelicts,
he turned the remains of the man’s whisky into
a bus pass…….

Simon Pyrite’s First Letter to Cameron House,
Chapter 3, vs 34-89.

The Mission of Simon Pyrites will be holding
A prayer meeting for the incapacitated and
their carers on Sunday 29th October in the
Hole in the Wa’ at 2.00pm
or contact your local Mission at

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